Michael Wallace Foundation for Mental Wellness

Imagine A World That Had No Labels…

To all the bullies out there…
What makes your life more important than the one you put down?
Imagine a world that had no labels. What is so special about you if everything is the same to make you pass judgement on another?
Imagine if one day you woke up and you were the different one in the eyes of society and everyone cast judgement on you. How would you feel? Scoff if you like but it can happen in an instant. The same way your cruelness in an instant can take someone’s life.
You don’t know what others have even been through. You weren’t put on this earth to put others down in order to feel better about yourself.
My Jon would have pushed you out of harms way even if you were the one that just spit on him.
My Jon would have run to your defense if someone was making fun of you.
Jon would have pulled you up if you were falling off a cliff even if you were the one that just shoved him in the hallway.
To you the bully you are good enough just the way you are you don’t need to make people feel lesser then you to be important. You are important in someone’s life just like all the people you bully.
Jon’s families lives will never be the same without him in it. You may have dulled Jon’s sparkle but his light will forever shine.
To you, the bully, believe in yourself and believe in those around you.
So do you really want to be known as the one that was responsible for taking another persons life? Indirectly, you are a murderer by your actions and your words.
Do you really think that is the defined path your life was meant to be?
I don’t think so and neither do your family and friends.
So to you, the bully, stand up and do the right thing.
Stop bullying !!
Everyone is beautiful and special in their own way!!!


Such a scary word right. Can’t happen to you and your family right. That’s a embarrassing word. Someone that does that must have had a terrible life.

Words Matter

Words Matter

Words Matter...To the woman this morning at Mr Mikes what a life you must have that you feel the need to whisper and judge others. Yes my son is Jon...