Michael Wallace Foundation for Mental Wellness

A Mother’s Love

I Heard Your Laugh

I turned around and just emptiness. Just loneliness. You weren’t here. Your never going to be here again.

Your Table

I wonder if there will ever be a day that I don’t break down just thinking about you and looking at your pictures.

Went to visit you

I Went to Visit You Today...Went to visit you today.  To wish you a Merry Christmas. Sounds weird as nothing merry about you not being here. However as I stood there sad and crying thinking about all the things I have missed with you I noticed all the people who have...


Such a scary word right. Can’t happen to you and your family right. That’s a embarrassing word. Someone that does that must have had a terrible life.

Your Table

Your Table

I Cleaned Up Your Table Today...Cleaned up your table today. Boy was it dusty.   I wonder if there will ever be a day...

Went to visit you

Went to visit you

I Went to Visit You Today...Went to visit you today.  To wish you a Merry Christmas. Sounds weird as nothing merry...



Suicide... Such a scary word right? Can’t happen to you and your family, right?  That’s a embarrassing word. Someone...

I Wonder

I Wonder

I Wonder...Wonder if you miss me as much as I miss you. Wonder if you are here with me or where you are. Wonder what...

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One Year

One Year

One Year...One year? Already? It's such a short time but it feels like forever since I've seen you. Heard you talk to...

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Day 300

Day 300

Day 300...Today is day 300 without you. Everyday when I wake up from my little broken sleep I think it's just a...

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8 Months

8 Months

8 Months Ago...8 months ago my life changed forever and not for the better. A nightmare had come true. In a matter of...

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