One Year…
One year? Already?
It’s such a short time but it feels like forever since I’ve seen you. Heard you talk to me, laugh with me, sing with me.
Buddy, you were one of my greatest friends and I didn’t really get the chance to really tell you that and how much I love you.
I miss your surprise messages that turned into hours of conversation. We usually started into a normal conversation then went straight to soccer or how proud you were of your baseball stats.
Little things like that always made my day.
You were a great little player and and an even better friend. Thank you so much for the time I got to spend with you. I miss and love you so much, Jon.
I Heard Your Laugh
I turned around and just emptiness. Just loneliness. You weren’t here. Your never going to be here again.
Your Table
I wonder if there will ever be a day that I don’t break down just thinking about you and looking at your pictures.
Went to visit you
I Went to Visit You Today...Went to visit you today. To wish you a Merry Christmas. Sounds weird as nothing merry about you not being here. However...